Jeremy Sarnat
Assoc Professor
Associate Professor
Faculty, Environmental Health

My research focuses on characterizing human exposure to urban air pollution. My deep interest in environmental exposure science is motivated by the many epidemiologic and toxicologic findings linking air pollution to a range of adverse health endpoints. This body of research has established air pollution as a major contributor to the global burden of disease, although substantial questions remain concerning the specific pollutant sources and chemical components of the urban air mixture most responsible for the observed effects.
Public health interventions will be of limited effectiveness without an improved understanding of the true causal agents of effect as well as the most significant routes of exposure to these agents. Specifically, my research addresses these issues through investigations of factors affecting exposure to urban air pollution, the impact of measurement error in air pollution exposure studies, confounding in epidemiologic analyses with respect to co-pollutant exposures, and the associations between specific pollutant components and sources and corresponding health responses.
Contact Information
Rollins School of Public Health, 1518 Clifton Road NE
Atlanta , GA 30322
Phone: (404) 712-9725
Fax: (404) 727-8744
Areas of Interest
- Air Pollution
- Epidemiology
- Exposure Assessment
- BA 1990, University of Michigan
- MSc 1998, Harvard University
- ScD 2001, Harvard University
Courses Taught
- EH 510: Foundations-Exposure Science
- EH 500: Perspectives/Environ Health
- EH 599R: Thesis
Affiliations & Activities
Panelist, Particulate Matter Review Panel, Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC), Environmental Protection Agency. (2021-current).
- Liang D, Lee WC, Liao J, Lawrence J, Wolfson JM, Ebelt ST, Kang CM, Koutrakis P, Sarnat JA, 2021, Estimating Climate Change-Related Impacts on Outdoor Air Pollution Infiltration, Environmental Research, 8:110923,
- Liang D, Golan R, Moutinho JL, Chang HH, Greenwald R, Sarnat SE, Russell AG, Sarnat JA, 2018, Errors Associated with the Use of Roadside Monitoring in the Estimation of Acute Traffic Pollutant-Related Health Effects, Environmental Research, 165, 210-219
- Ladva CN, Golan R, Liang D, Greenwald R, Walker DI, Uppal K, Raysoni AU, Tran V, Yu T, Flanders WD, Miller GW, Jones DP, Sarnat JA, 2018, Particulate Metal Exposures Induce Plasma Metabolome Changes in a Commuter Panel Study, PLOS ONE , 13,
- Liang D, Moutinho JL, Golan R, Yu T, Ladva CN, Niedzwiecki M, Walker DI, Sarnat SE, Chang HH, Greenwald R, Jones DP, Russell AG, Sarnat JA, 2018, Use of High-Resolution Metabolomics for the Identification of Metabolic Signals Associated with Traffic-Related Air Pollution, Environment International, 120, 145 -154
- Golan R, Ladva C, Greenwald R, Krall JR, Raysoni AU, Kewada P, Winquist A, Flanders WD, Liang D, Sarnat JA, 2017, Acute Pulmonary and Inflammatory Response in Young Adults following a Scripted Car Commute, Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health, , 1-14
- Ladva CN, Golan R, Greenwald R, Yu T, Sarnat SE, Flanders WD, Uppal K, Walker DI, Tran V, Liang D, Jones DP, Sarnat JA, 2017, Metabolomic Profiles of Plasma, Exhaled Breath Condensate, and Saliva are Correlated with Potential for Air Toxics Detection, Journal of Breath Research, 12,
- Vreeland H, Weber R, Bergin MH, Greenwald R, Golan R, Russell AG, Verma V, Sarnat JA, 2017, Oxidative Potential of PM2.5 during Atlanta Rush Hour: Measurements of In-Vehicle Dithiothreitol (DTT) Activity, Atmospheric Environment, 165, 169-178
- Mirabelli MC, Golan R, Greenwald R, Raysoni AU, Holguin F, Kewada P, Winquist A, Flanders WD, Sarnat JA, 2015, Modification of Traffic-Related Respiratory Response by Asthma Control in a Population of Car Commuters, Epidemiology, 26, 546-555
- Sarnat JA, Golan R, Greenwald R, Raysoni AU, Kewada P, Winquist A, Sarnat SE, Dana Flanders W, Mirabelli MC, Zora JE, Bergin MH, Yip F., 2014, Exposure to Traffic Pollution, Acute Inflammation and Autonomic Response in a Panel of Car Commuters, Environmental Research, 133, 66-76