Erin Lebow-Skelley manages community engagement for the HERCULES Exposome Research Center’s Community Engagement Core, serves as the HERCULES Center Evaluator, and supports the Emory Prevention Research Center. In her community engagement role, she builds relationships and partnerships with stakeholders and communities in the Atlanta-area who are interested in environmental health. The exposome concept captures the totality of environmental exposures a person experiences across their lifetime, a concept well understood by local communities because it reflects their lived experience. Erin works with these communities to learn about those exposures, supports them to address their environmental concerns, and shares HERCULES science with communities in a way that is understandable and usable. Originally from Oregon, Erin received her Master’s in Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with an emphasis on community engaged research, program evaluation, and socio-ecological approaches to chronic disease prevention. Prior to joining Emory, she worked for the CDC, evaluating the Prevention Research Centers Program, in addition to a prior life in community-based social work.
Contact Information
ATLANTA , GA 30322
Phone: 404-712-8795
Email: ELEBOWS@emory.edu
Affiliations & Activities
Emory Prevention Research Center, BSHES