Meaningful use Step2

Meaningful Use

Step 2: Pre-Testing

Eligible Provider generates and evaluates cancer reporting test messages.

1. Review the following documents:

Cancer reporting using HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) Release 2.0 is required.

2. Work with your vendor to have your EHR certified system create test messages according to the specifications in the Implementation Guide.

3. Both structural and content validation must be performed on each test message using the following tools:

  • .Meaningful Use Cancer Registry NIST Validation tool.

  • .CDA Validation Plus for content validation. Contact Lindsay Ryan for download instructions.

Note: These guides serve as a reference for ambulatory healthcare providers. The National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR-CDC), Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER Program-NCI), and the North American Association for Central Cancer Registries (NAACCR) have developed this guide for transmission of cancer patient information from ambulatory healthcare providers to the central cancer registry.

Testing of messages using the NIST Cancer Registry Reporting Validation/CDA Validation DOES NOT suffice as testing for Meaningful Use. You must complete Step 3 to receive validation for testing with public health for cancer registry reporting.

4. Correct any errors identified by the validation tools.



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