Georgia Center for Cancer Statistics

Data from the Georgia Cancer Registry (GCR) is part of the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program.  These data are made available in a de-identified format on the NCI website. From this SEER*Stat application, frequency distributions and incidence rates for all cancer types in the Georgia Cancer Registry can be produced.

Age-adjusted cancer specific rates by sex, race and ethnicity for Georgia can be found on the Department of Public Health's  Georgia Cancer Registry Dashboard. The Dashboard also includes graphs depicting cancer trends, cancer specific staging data, as well as survival statistics. 

Data from the GCR is also made available through State Cancer Profiles website. This site is a joint NCI/CDC website. Georgia’s cancer incidence, prevalence, and mortality rates are presented here alongside United States rates for comparison. These rates are also presented in conjunction with statewide demographics, screening, and risk factor data.

If you would like to communicate with someone directly about accessing data from the Georgia Cancer Registry, please email Dr. Kevin Ward at