Recent Rollins Publications

August 25, 2023

Rollins students and faculty are frequent authors and collaborators on articles that advance research, provoke thought, and inspire action. Below are a few recent publication highlights.

Emily Peterson, PhD, MS; and Lance Waller, PhD, MS, were authors on the article “Impacts of census differential privacy for small-area disease mapping to monitor health inequities” published in Science Advances.

Jose Binongo, PhD, Med, MS; and Jane Wei, MPH, were authors on the article “Two Decades of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Females: Has Anything Changed?” published in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.

Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham, PhD, MA, MSc, was an author on the article “Changing pattern of suicide deaths in India” published in The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia.

Enmanuel Chavarria, PhD, MS, was an author on the article “Effectiveness of school-based nutrition interventions promoted in the League of Arab States: a systematic review” published in Health Promotion International.

Carmen Marsit, PhD, was an author on the article “Sexually dimorphic methylation patterns characterize the placenta and blood from extremely preterm newborns” published in BMC Biology.

Noah Scovronick, PhD, MSc, was an author on the article “Rapid increase in the risk of heat-related mortality” published in Nature Communications.