Edgar Simard
Adjunct Asst Professor
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Adjunct or Visiting, Epidemiology

Dr. Simard is an epidemiologist with diverse experience across multiple disciplines. He is co-trained as a cancer epidemiologist and as a medical device and pharmaco-epidemiologist. At Rollins he lectures and mentors students on such topics as drug and device safety and effectiveness as well as cancer epidemiology, specifically cancers attributable to infectious agents.
In his primary role at Medtronic he leads the Evidence Optimization (EO) Center of Expertise in the Clinical Research, Medical Science and Regulatory Affairs function. This includes managing of team of internal experts who advise on global clinical evidence strategies, clinical trial design (e.g., two-arm, single arm, optimization of I/E criteria, end-point selection, and PROs including Real-World Evidence (RWE), types of studies), the application of decentralized trial (DCT) approaches, as well as lead the Medtronic Patient Data Strategy across 20 operating units and corporate business functions.
Areas of Interest
- Cancer Prevention
- Clinical Trials
- Data Science
- Disease Surveillance
- Epidemiology
- Health Disparities
- Health Services Research
- HIV/AIDS Prevention
- HPV-Related Diseases
- Non-communicable Diseases
- Population Sciences
- Surveillance
- Survival Analysis
- BS 1999, Southern Connecticut State University
- MPH 2004, Emory University, Rollins School of Public Health
- PhD 2010, Rutgers University School of Public Health
- Post-Doc 2011, Columbia University
- Pre-Doc 2009, National Cancer Institute
Affiliations & Activities
Dr. Simard is an active member of the medical device groups of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology and the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research. He is also a collaborator with the FDA NEST and SENTINEL programs.
- Kentaro Tamaki, Eishin Sakihara, Hiroaki Miyata, Norimichi Hirahara, Oksana Kirichek Ryosuke Tawara, Shoko Akiyama, Masayuki Katsumata, Mei Haruya, Takeo Ishii, Edgar P Simard, Bruce E Miller, Ruth Tal-Singer, Toshihiko Kaise , 2021, Utility of Self-Administered Questionnaires for Identifying Individuals at Risk of COPD in Japan: The OCEAN (Okinawa COPD casE finding AssessmeNt) Study, I J COPD, ,
- Hana Müllerová, Beth Hahn, Edgar P Simard, George Mu, Umur Hatipo?lu, 2020, Exacerbations and health care resource use among patients with COPD in relation to blood eosinophil counts, I J COPD, ,
- Simard EP, Watson M, Saraiya M, Clarke CA, Palefsky J, Jemal A, 2013, Trends in the occurrence of high-grade analintraepithelial neoplasia in San Francisco, 2000–2009, Cancer, 119, 3539–3545
- Simard EP, Naishadham D, Saslow D, Jemal A, 2012, Age-specific trends in black-white disparities in cervical cancerincidence in the United States: 1975–2009, Gynecologic Oncology, 127, 611-5
- Simard EP, Fransua M, Naishadham D, Jemal A, 2012, The influence of sex, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status on Human Immunodeficiency Virus death rates among adults: 1993–2007, Archives of Internal Medicine, 172, 1591–1598
- Simard EP, Fedewa SA, Ma J, Siegel R, Jemal A, 2012, Widening socioeconomic disparities in cervical cancer mortalityamong women in 26 States: 1993–2007, Cancer, 118, 5110-6
- Simard EP, Pfeiffer RM, Engels EA, 2011, Cumulative incidence of cancer among people with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the United States, Cancer, 117, 1089–96
- Simard EP, Engels EA, 2010, Cancer as a cause of death among people with AIDS in the United States, Clinical Infectious Diseases, 51, 957–62
- Simard EP, Pfeiffer RM, Engels EA, 2010, Spectrum of cancer risk late after AIDS in the United States, Archives of Internal Medicine, 170, 1337–45