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Contact Information
1518 Clifton Rd ,
Atlanta , GA 30322
Phone: (404) 727-8716
Fax: (404) 727-8737
- MA 1974, Columbia University
- MD 1977, University of Vermont
- MPH 1979, Harvard University
- DSc 1982, Harvard University
Courses Taught
- EPI 538: Advanced Epi Methods I
- EPI 738R: Advanced EPI Methods I
- Kim, D., Hart-McElroy, R., Albalak, R., Jones, R., Jarrett, J., Henry, R., Gwynn, C., Flanders, W.D. et al., 2003, A comparison of mean blood lead levels in children in Trreon , Mexico , obtained by convenience and cluster sampling, Appl Environ Sci Pub Health , 1, 69-72
- Flanders, W.D., Barnhart, H.X., and Kosinski, A.S., 2003, An estimated score method for missing and auxiliary covariates in two stage studies, J Stat Plan Inf, 115, 145-170
- Albalak, R., McElroy, R.H., Noonan, G., Buchanan, S., Jones, R.L., Flanders, W.D., et al., 2003, Blood lead levels and risk actors for lead poisoning among children in a Mexican smelting community, Arch Environ Health, 58, 172-83
- Albalak, R., Noonan, G., Buchanan, S., Flanders, W.D., Gotway-Crawford, C., Kim, D., et al., 2003, Blood lead levels and risk factors for lead poisoning among children in Jakarta , Indonesia, Sci Total Environ., 301(13), 75-85
- Austin, H. and Flanders, W.D. , 2003, Case-control studies of genotypic relative risks using children of cases as controls., Stat in Med, 22, 129-145
- McClellan, W.M., Millman, L., Presley, R., Couzins, and Flanders, W.D., 2003, Improved diabetes care by primary care physicians: results of a group-randomized evaluation of the Medicare Health Care Quality Improvement Program (HCQIP)., J Clin Epidemiol, 56, 1210-1217
- Flanders, W.D., Lally, C.A. , Zhu, B.P., Henley, S.J., and Thun, M.J., 2003, Lung cancer mortality in relation to age, duration of smoking, and daily cigarette consumption: results from Cancer Prevention Study II, Cancer Res., 63, 6556-62
- Yang, Q., Khoury, M.J., Friedman, J.M., and Flanders, W.D., 2003, On the use of population attributable fraction to determine sample size for case-control studies of gene-environment interaction, Epidemiology, 14, 161-7
- Gudmundsdotter, S., Augestad, L.B., Flanders, W.D., 2003, Physical activity and bone mineral density in women, a review of recent randomized studies., Recent Res Devel Epidemiol, 1, 1-12
- Yang, Q., Khoury, M.J., Botto, L., Friedman, J.M., and Flanders, W.D., 2003, Proving the prediction of complex diseases by testing for multiple disease-susceptibility genes, Am J Hum Genet, 72(3), 636-49
- Langston, R.D., Presley, R., Flanders, W.D., and McClellan, W.M., 2003, Renal insufficiency and anemia are independent risk factors for death among patients with acute myocardial infarction, Kidney Int, 64, 1398-405
- McClellan, W.M. and Flanders, W.D., 2003, Risk factors for progressive chronic kidney disease, J Am Soc Nephrol, 14, S65-70
- Kjelsås, E., Augestad, L.B., & Flanders, W.D., 2003, Screening of eating disorders in males, Eating and Weight Disorders, Accepted, Accepted